Wednesday 15 March 2017

Perfect Pearl Piece (Love Nut coconut)

Now you know us.

Both were having their personal Quality time at the beach that day.

The first glance I was completely mesmerised with her smile.
Love at first sight.
Yes this is what I call a perfect moment when everything fades away leaving a baby quiet smile on my face,
And It started,

We were sitting on the sand, speechless, exchanging smiles for about one hour. By the time She was reading some cartoon comic book that too of my favourite character. i.e. Power puff girls.
Later on, our eyes started Chatting.
Me: Hey
Kim: Hi
Me: It's so peaceful here,
Kim: Yes it is.

This silent conversation was so sweet that in a while we both were blushing. moreover, it was about to dark so we both stood up and I asked her
Me: Would you mind if I ask you for a walk?
Kim: I love walking barefoot on the beach, So u like Power puff Girls!
I looked at her face, and said,
Me: Yes, These girls are my favourite.
Kim: Quite Interesting.

Talking and walking, talking and walking. .....
we reached a shop on the beach.
at the same time, we asked

Coconut water?

Rest of the  time we were having sip of water,
Sea was beside but we were swimming in each other's eyes.
Each sip was completing us.

I said
I ..I....I Love you.

She just smiled and said

Go to Page one

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