Sunday 12 March 2017

Perfect Pearl Piece

For the love of my life, I Bought a pearl with on my soul today,
to show her how much I love her, And at the time I gave the pearl to her, I saw sparkling blue eyes of her, 
Her eyes were glowing like pearl its self, Her glittering lips said everything that's unspoken, the only thing she could do with a smile was grabbing me in her arms. whispering into my ears "I LOVE YOU"

She was taking care of the pearl like it's her soul, she has kept it to the safest part she could, as she keeps me warm in her heart forever, 

One day I took the pearl out of her heart and kept it in the living area so that everyone can see it. I don't know whether it was right or wrong, I don't know whether she will like it or not. But when I returned I returned from the work I saw the pearl as I have kept.but... she was missing.....

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